
Service Spotlight: True Care’s Russian Program

June 27, 2023

At True Care, we meet each client where they are, creating a truly diverse environment  to ensure their cultural wellness. Our multicultural and multilingual care team provides culturally-relevant care for each client in various languages. For this Service Spotlight, True Care is proud to highlight our Russian Services Program. 

Designed to give our clients the individualized care they deserve, True Care’s Russian services employ caregivers that communicate and provide services in Russian. As the program’s director, Anastasiia Rios speaks on how True Care’s Russian program has worked tirelessly to serve various Russian communities throughout New York with care, compassion and a deep understanding of clients’ individual needs. Learn more about this unique program through Anastasiia’s own words below:

Hi Anastasiia! How did you get started in health care?

I've always been passionate about health care, driven by personal experiences and a strong desire to make a positive impact. However, my fear of blood prevented me from pursuing a medical career. Instead, I redirected my passion toward healthcare administration. Through relevant education and training, I became the director of the Russian Program at True Care Home Care Agency. Although my career path shifted, my dedication to improving healthcare outcomes remains unwavering. As a healthcare administrator, I feel honored to contribute to the well-being of individuals in need. I work to optimize operations, streamline processes, and enhance patient experiences. My goal is to create a supportive and compassionate environment that delivers personalized care to our clients. While my fear of blood altered my career path, my commitment to making a positive impact in healthcare remains steadfast.

That’s so interesting. What do you love most about your current role?

I appreciate the opportunity to lead and make a profound impact on patients and our team. Enhancing their well-being and quality of life is incredibly fulfilling. I collaborate with stakeholders, encourage innovation, and improve care provision. As a healthcare administrator, I ensure exceptional care aligned with high standards. By optimizing processes and fostering improvement, I positively impact patient outcomes. Collaboration with healthcare professionals, staff, and partners is crucial. We identify opportunities, develop strategies, and enhance care quality together. Witnessing the positive impact on patients is rewarding. Their physical well-being and overall quality of life motivates me to constantly improve our services. In summary, as a healthcare administrator, I lead and bring meaningful change to patients and our team. Improving well-being and collaborating with stakeholders is fulfilling, as we enhance care delivery.

How have you nurtured your department to better serve the needs of the community?  

I assemble a skilled and empathetic team through rigorous recruitment and professional development. Our culture fosters empathy, collaboration, and excellence, motivating staff to deliver high-quality care. I recruit top talent through thorough evaluations and provide ongoing professional development. Our culture encourages open communication, respect, and teamwork. We regularly update policies to align with best practices and prioritize patient feedback. This ensures safe, efficient, and high-caliber care tailored to community needs. In summary, I focus on creating a department that effectively serves the community. Through recruitment and development, we have a skilled and compassionate team. Our culture and practices prioritize excellence and patient satisfaction.

Summing it up:

The Russian Services Program is just one of many multilingual options at True Care. Providing services in over 10 different languages, our signature home care experience focuses on prioritizing you or your loved one’s physical, emotional, and cultural wellness. Although the Russian Program is one of our newer community-specific programs, having been established just under a year ago, Anastasiia and her team are already making a huge impact on True Care’s Russian-speaking clients.

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